Three sisters

This was the second time we’ve experimented with a traditional three sisters companion plant garden. It was more substantial (60′ x 100′) than the first, and suffered less predation from deer and raccoons and skunks. Its productivity has kept me fed up to the present and beyond. The varieties planted: Ohio blue clarage dent corn, Seminole pumpkin, and Cherokee cornfield pole snap bean. I didn’t realize the blue clarage corn was blue and white instead of pure blue. I may switch to a bluer version, but I was highly impressed with the productivity of this variety.

07242018 3 sisters APPROACH
July 24, 2018. Approaching the cornfield.
07242018 3 sisters CORN BEANS
The beans growing up the corn.
07242018 3 sisters CORN SQUASH
The squash creeping beyond the corn patch.
07242018 3 sisters INITIAL HARVEST
One of the first harvests – July 24, 2018. There are other squash besides the Seminole. The Seminole was by far the most prolific.


07242018 3 sisters chickens husks
The chickens don’t necessarily eat the corn husks, but it gives novelty to their routine.
09302018 3 sisters FINAL HARVEST
This was THE final harvest. September 30. All green squashes (with the exception of the flat bluish one in the center) are Seminole pumpkins. I could have easily harvested three times the amount of beans in that container.
10072018 3 sisters final
October 7, 2018. Cornfield no more.